The latest on the Community Governance Review:
Community Governance Review Public Consultation – Liskeard 13th February 2020 6pm public drop in session, 7-9pm public meeting
These are the supplementary comments submitted on 3rd October, 2019 and the maps referred to therein:
Menheniot boundary proposal before consultation
Menheniot boundary Sept19 Legend inc (002)
You can read about the programme and the public consultation element in this Update: Community Governance Review Update on Stage 2
The Cornwall Council website link here gives lots information also:
You can read about our overall approach here:
Liskeard Community Governance overview
This is the Town Council’s submission to Cornwall Council regarding the Community Governance Review:
Here is the response form:
Liskeard Town Council Community Governance Response
Here are the maps which show the proposed changes and consultation letters which were sent::
a. Boundary Review Both Parishes (dark blue hatched)
b. Dobwalls Parish Moorswater (dark blue hatched)
c. Dobwalls Southern (dark blue hatched)
d. Dobwalls Properties (residential business)
e. Menheniot Parish (dark blue hatched)
f. Menheniot properties (residential and commercial)
Community Governance Archive
There was a public meeting in the Public Hall on 23rd September to which people were invited. Full Info on Community Governance Review A4 Posters
Find out about the background and consultation for the review of boundaries on this page: