Planning Committee

Chair 2024/25: Councillor Simon Cassidy

Deputy Chair 2024/25: Councillor Naomi Taylor

Members – Councillors Tracy Adams, David Braithwaite, Nick Craker, Annette Lee-Julian, Jane Pascoe, Tony Powell and Lori Reid. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are Ex Officio Members of all Committees with Voting Rights.

This committee is administered by the Deputy Town Clerk, Yvette Hayward who can be contacted on

The Planning Committee is responsible for planning issues, applications and consultations with other bodies such as Highways. The Committee normally meets every 4 weeks throughout the year.

Liskeard Town Council places great importance on pre-planning consultations and is seeking to encourage developers/agents to consult with its Planning Committee at the pre-application stage. We want to work in partnership with developers/agents to achieve the best possible developments for Liskeard for the benefit of all concerned.

The responsibility for all local planning decisions rests with Cornwall Council. However, the Town Council is a statutory consultee, whose views on behalf of the community are taken into consideration on all planning applications.


Liskeard Neighbourhood Development Plan

The Liskeard Neighbourhood Development Plan was formally made on 27 November 2018 and is now in use. The Plan documents and more information can be found at:

Plan Liskeard

Attending Planning Committee meetings

Members of the public are welcome to attend Planning Committee meetings and speak on an application on the agenda during the public participation section. Further information about speaking at a meeting is available here. Speaking at Planning Meetings

Liskeard Cattle Market

Find out the latest on what is happening on this site at  and background information at

Neighbourhood Portion of CIL

Annual Report 2023-24

Annual Report 2022-23


Planning Committee Terms of Reference 2019


PDF versions of agendas and minutes are available below – the signed originals are held at the Town Council office and can be inspected by the public.

Upcoming Meeting Dates

2 September 2024
28 October 2024
25 November 2024
16 December 2024
13 January 2025
10 February 2025
10 March 2025
7 April 2025

Details of upcoming meetings can also be found on our Meetings calendar.