Liskeard Town Council is proposing to request a change in its boundaries with both Dobwalls & Trewidland Parish and Menheniot Parish, to simplify matters for future development and town planning.

Local residents and businesses which would be affected by the proposals have been identified and contacted, and we welcome comments from any interested parties.


You can read about our overall approach here:

Liskeard Community Governance overview


Here are the maps which show the proposed changes:

Boundary Review – Full map proposal 25.6.19

Dobwalls boundary review – map proposal 1of 2 June19

Dobwalls boundary review – map proposal 2 of 2

Menheniot Boundary review – map proposal June 19


Other background documents:

Community Governance Review A4 Poster (Cornwall Council)

Community Governance booklet (Cornwall Council)

Dobwalls properties identified

Dobwalls residents boundary consultation letter

Dobwalls businesses boundary consultation letter

Menheniot properties identified UPDATED 25.6.19

Menheniot residents boundary consultation letter

Menheniot businesses boundary consultation letter