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November 2024
Facilities Committee
The agenda will be online the week before the meeting. If you plan on attending it is helpful to the Chairman if you can drop us an email, advising whether you would like to speak on a particular subject.
Find out more »Planning Committee
The agenda will be online the week before the meeting. If you plan on attending it is helpful to the Chairman if you can drop us an email, advising whether you would like to speak on a particular subject. The Planning Committee is responsible for planning issues, applications and consultations with other bodies such as Highways. The Committee normally meets every 4 weeks throughout the year. The responsibility for all local planning decisions rests with Cornwall Council. However, the Town…
Find out more »Full Town Council Meeting
The agenda will be online the week before the meeting. If you plan on attending it is helpful to the Mayor if you can drop us an email, advising whether you would like to speak on a particular subject.
Find out more »December 2024
Planning Committee
The agenda will be online the week before the meeting. If you plan on attending it is helpful to the Chairman if you can drop us an email, advising whether you would like to speak on a particular subject. The Planning Committee is responsible for planning issues, applications and consultations with other bodies such as Highways. The Committee normally meets every 4 weeks throughout the year. The responsibility for all local planning decisions rests with Cornwall Council. However, the Town…
Find out more »Full Town Council Meeting – cancelled
This meeting has been cancelled.
Find out more »January 2025
Communications & Engagement Committee
The Communications and Engagement Committee meets every two months and is responsible for the management of the website, social media, council publications, the operation of the Tourist Information Centre, all aspects of tourism in the town, engagement with the public, the planning of civic events, signage within the town and the strategic management of the museum. The agenda will be online the week before the meeting. If you plan on attending it is helpful to the Chairman if you can…
Find out more »Planning Committee
The agenda will be online the week before the meeting. If you plan on attending it is helpful to the Chairman if you can drop us an email, advising whether you would like to speak on a particular subject. The Planning Committee is responsible for planning issues, applications and consultations with other bodies such as Highways. The Committee normally meets every 4 weeks throughout the year. The responsibility for all local planning decisions rests with Cornwall Council. However, the Town…
Find out more »Facilities Committee
The agenda will be online the week before the meeting. If you plan on attending it is helpful to the Chairman if you can drop us an email, advising whether you would like to speak on a particular subject.
Find out more »Full Town Council Meeting
The agenda will be online the week before the meeting. If you plan on attending it is helpful to the Mayor if you can drop us an email, advising whether you would like to speak on a particular subject.
Find out more »February 2025
Planning Committee
The agenda will be online the week before the meeting. If you plan on attending it is helpful to the Chairman if you can drop us an email, advising whether you would like to speak on a particular subject. The Planning Committee is responsible for planning issues, applications and consultations with other bodies such as Highways. The Committee normally meets every 4 weeks throughout the year. The responsibility for all local planning decisions rests with Cornwall Council. However, the Town…
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