Active Travel in Liskeard Initial Proposals
We want to make it easier and safer to walk and cycle in Liskeard, which is good for our health and the environment.
We know that communities are healthier where people can easily shop and get to school and work by bike or on foot. We want to give people more choices about how to travel and to help locals and visitors enjoy our town and the surrounding countryside.
Liskeard Town Council successfully bid to the Cornwall Council Town Centre Revitalisation Fund to fund a feasibility study into cycling, walking and bus improvements in Liskeard. The idea is to develop and consult on plans which can then be used to apply for further funding.
After a competitive tender, the cycling charity Sustrans was appointed to carry out the work. Using consultation from workshops with local groups and councillors, public pop-up sessions in town, and online comments from the Community Mapping Tool they have produced a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) which is available here.
Liskeard – Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan
Sustrans are now working on detailed designs for three prioritised routes, after which there will be further stakeholder and public engagement (look out for us at Liskeard Show). We will use these designs to seek funding to develop them.
You can still view the comments made online via the Community Mapping Tool from the earlier public engagement by clicking the links below:
Comments made after December 5th will not be included in the evidence for the LCWIP but will still be available for use in future work.
All the comments are anonymous.
We are working closely with the Looe Valley Trails project, which includes a Liskeard loop for a multi-use trail, and you can read more about their plans here
As well as cycling and walking routes, the project also includes looking at options for a cycle hub or active travel hub in the town centre and how the new, longer buses can be better accommodated and linked to cycling and walking.
Click the images below for PDF versions of the maps of the proposed routes